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General | When uploading files to an entity, the filename appends with the entity name adhering to the File Title Standard formats defined in the system. However, when a file is uploaded to an entity, which contains illegal special characters in the entity name, such characters should be hashed when appending to the respective file name. Earlier there was an bug, where the illegal characters in the file name were not hashed, thus the file was displayed as moved or deleted. Now this issue is fixed, by hashing all the illegal characters in the entity name when appending to the file name. Therefore, the files are displayed properly in the file area. In previous iChannel versions Non-admin users were able to modify root site settings via Site search, now this option is blocked by hiding the advanced Setting button for non-admin users on the Root Site details page and this feature is available only for Admin Users. Resolved the issue, that duplicate subscribers were not allowed to be deactivated via web. From this iChannel version onwards, duplicate subscriber records can be successfully deactivated in web. Fixed the issues in Subscriber Details Page, where it didn’t display proper informative error messages when user tries to save subscriber records without filling the mandatory fields. Now users are displayed with proper error messages when trying to save details with empty mandatory fields. Functionality of ‘Email Selected Contacts’ and ‘Create Activity’ buttons on Entity search results page is resolved to work as expected. Enhanced the Help section in System, Advanced Settings page, which now properly shows the help details.
File Area | Fixed the issue with file name when recategorizing a file, now both the File Name and File Title are displayed as expected according to the Advanced Settings definitions. File Properties window is redesigned fixing few issues, such as labels are renamed to provide more clarity on the details and accurate timestamps are attached with the respective labels. Blocked publishing same file to the same category more than once, but it’s allowed to publish the same file to a different category. Date pickers are now working properly with the Created/Modified Date dropdown in the file search section. In the previous versions of the system, it showed an error message when Open and Restore buttons are clicked in File History page, after a file versioning function is performed. These issues are properly addressed with version 3.2, that 'Open’ and ‘Restore’ buttons in the File History window are now working as expected after versioning a file. Resolved the issues with not filtering Files/Sites based on the Industry field in File Search section. Now the respective Files/Sites are properly searched according to the respective Industry field value. File history related issues are fixed in Move action and Link action, now the correct actions and respective site details are properly shown in the file history records. File Area UI is updated that, the Submitted Files grid and Requested Files grid are collapsed during the initial load of the File Area and these 2 grids remains expanded when an action is performed within the relevant grid. The issue of not setting Final/Locked files in to Read-only status is resolved. Now the Final/Locked files are not allowed to be edited and a descriptive error message is displayed if any user tries to edit a locked file. Fixed the issue occurred when updating a file into the permanent state through recategorize function. Now the files can be updated to permanent by checking the ‘Permanent’ box in recategorize. Fixed the issue with the Common file watcher background service, now it properly updates the IsFileAvailable column status when files are newly added or when file statues is updated. Resolved the issue of duplicating content in the "Request Docs" notification email, which is sent automatically to internal assigned subscribers, when a request is responded by uploading documents. History option in File Properties section is updated to display accurate file history records with all necessary details of the respective files. Rename File option in file properties is disabled for Final/Locked files, where the files in Final/Locked statues are not allowed to be renamed. Resolved the issues with Unpublish and Unlink features, now both the functions work properly as expected for multiple documents and Autosweep uploaded documents as well. Option to add files via Plus Icon in File Area is deprecated, and files can be added to the file area by drag and drop to the respective folder location. Fixed the error occurred when saving non-permanent files without an expiration date. The Expiration Date field is mandatory when adding non-permanent files to the system. Enhanced informative confirmation message is displayed when a file is successfully Published and Linked, Published or Linked in the system.
Dashboard | The "Assigned" dropdown in the My Assigned Documents widget is updated to be populated only with the Active Subscribers of the respective root site. Resolved the issues with ‘My Calendar Activities Widget’ on the Dashboard, now it displays the accurate data according to the filtered user and activities. Editable Dashboards are made sticky trough-out the login when there is no specified default dashboard for the respective user. However, if there is any specified default dashboard, then it will be the selected dashboard throughout the login.
CRM | Resolved the bug, that allowed to create new Sites with an existing site ID. Now, the system validates the SIte IDs within the Rootsite for uniqueness and throws an error message mentioning that there is an existing Site ID. Duplicate and Empty Site IDs are not allowed. Fixed the UI issues with Contact Details page, where Email section is now properly displayed in Activity tab. Previously, Activity count was not properly updated on the Activity Page when Add/Edit/Delete Activities. Now the functionality is fixed to update and display the correct activity count when an activity is added/updated/deleted on Activity Page. Fixed the issue of not properly showing new contacts in Linked Contact page. Once a new contact is added, now the linked contacts are properly displayed in the ‘Linked’ tab after adding a new linked contact to an existing contact. Security permissions are revised, now the Subscriber button will be visible to non-admin users when the add permission is enabled in “CRMContacts“ section for respective security group. Contact and Site Search page is updated to facilitate easy and faster performance by clear out all text fields and greyed out the other section (Contact/Site) when clicking on any radio button (contact) or (site), preventing unnecessary information being filled out. Resolved the inconsistencies occurred when creating Client records through Contacts Page and Site Page. Now the Site ID value is mandatory when creating clients from both the locations. Email Validation is incorporated on Contact creation and Contact update functions, where the system shows a warning message when entering an invalid email address.
Portal | When trying to downloads secure files with a Key value from iChannel via a link in an email, it caused the browser window to close on clicking on the ‘Enter' key and only worked properly when the ‘Download’ button is clicked. Now, this issue is fixed to work properly as expected on the 'Enter’ key as well. When a Portal user tries to change/update any information or security question answers in the portal, system required to change the password as well. Now this issue is resolved that, portal users are allowed to change/update other details without changing the password.
Routing Module | iChannel versions 3.0 and 3.1 versions had an issue with re-routing the auto routed files again, where is displayed File does not exist message. Now this issue is fixed, which allows to successfully re-route the auto-routed files. Fixed the issues with iChannel Cloud server, where users were unable to open files from Routing queue, as they did not have access to the backend UNC path and the direct mode was defaulted to open the files, which didn’t work properly. Fixed the issues with File manual routing & Scanned sheet auto routing, when a new Sub-folder is given as the for target file path. Now the file is successfully routed to the respective selected file area with applied file properties. Quick search features in Routing module are updated that, showing default selected values for ‘Recently Routed', ‘My Site’ and 'My contacts File Area’ drop downs are kept blank. These default values were confusing the users.
Resolved the inconsistencies when auto-routing scanned sheets. When the scanned sheet is generated, a tooltip message will be shown in the generated view, that the same scanned document cannot be auto-routed more than once. Once auto-routed, it will be shown in the File Area.
Incase if the same scanned sheet dropped to DPPQueue to route more than once, then it will be shown as a Not Routed and Duplicate Record. While it will not be auto-routed, you are able to route the file manually.
Resolved the bug where an error came when you try to edit a document that is successfully routed. With v3.2.1 release, you will be navigated to the Document Profile page when the user clicks on the file name hyperlink of a file that is manually/auto routed. Please watch the video(for manually routed file).
Workflow Module | Resolved the issues with showing incorrect values for ‘Tasks Status’ dropdown in Workflow Rollover functionality. Now the dropdown shows below options for users to pick as desired. Not Started Copy from Template First task In Process
Fixed the issue in Workflow search functionality that it didn’t return proper output when searches are performed. Now, the system works fine to return expected correct results with the respective search criteria. Two non-performing buttons ‘Save Criteria’ and ‘Clear Saved Criteria’ are removed from the Workflow Search screen. Resolved issues related to filtering in Workflow Rollover function, now the workflows can be filtered according to selected date periods, period ends, completion month and few more criteria are facilitated. On the Workflow Search page, Workflow Subtypes and Task status drop-down are updated to get filtered based on the selected value for the Workflow Type dropdown. Fixed the error occurred when trying to Create Portal Requests through Files tab in Workflow module. Now the feature works properly as expected allowing to create portal requests with or without attached files.
When there are two subscriber records for the same person in the same root site, you can merge the two Subscriber records together and make one native Subscriber. After merging, the tasks that were previously assigned to the inactive Subscriber continued to show the inactive Subscriber as the assignee. This bug now fixed to show both native and inactive Subscribers in the tasks.
Reports Module | Resolved the issues in Files to be scanned Report, now the report displays the correct records as expected. Modify Site Configuration Button is removed in the Global document file area permissions section in Reports page.
iFetch | When trying to install iFetch on an incompatible OS, it installed the pre-conditions and displayed the installation incomplete message. This misleads the users, as it didn’t show that the OS is not supported. With this version, it’s fixed to display a warning message mentioning that ‘iFetch is not compatible with the current OS' Resolved the issue occurred when trying to open files through iFetch from Dashboard, Version and Open, Routing page and from the File Search, Now the files can be successfully opened through iFetch as expected from all the respective locations.
iCD | In previous iCD versions, it showed the UNC path for some files in the PATH column in the grid for all the users (both Admin and Non-Admin users). Now this is fixed that, UNC Path is displayed only for Admin users and it’s blank for Non-Admin users.
In previous iChannel versions, when an email with the same name as previous email from a separate client is dragged and dropped to the upload area, and it overwrote the previous emails. With v3.2.1 release, this bug is now fixed.
Retention Module | Retention module functionality is enhanced, where .msg files can be archived or deleted without any issue. When trying to archive/delete a file that doesn't exist, the Retention Module showed an error earlier. Now, this issue is fixed, that the respective file record in the database will be deleted and the event is logged properly. Respective details are stored in retention document table with the file information for further reference. Resolved issues in deleting Caseware files, where all the files that were uploaded with the respective caseware file is removed from the server location. Relevant database records and File area records get cleared at the point of deleting.